Research experience

Assistant Professor, 2022 onwards (Aerospace Engg., Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)


Research Fellow, 2020-2022 (Aero. & Astro. Engg. University of Southampton, U. K.)

Topic: Transonic buffet on airfoils

Supervisor: Prof. Neil D. Sandham

Ph. D., 2012-2019 (Aerospace Engg., Indian Institute of Science, India)    

Thesis title: Bubble and conical forms of vortex breakdown in swirling jets (link)

Supervisor: Prof. Joseph Mathew

M. Sc., 2008-2012 (Aerospace Engg., Indian Institute of Science, India)

Thesis title: Experimental study of plasma actuators characteristics and optimization of configuration

Supervisors: Prof. Joseph Mathew, Dr. Kartik Venkatraman and Dr. Joy Thomas

B. Tech., 2004-2008 (Mechanical Engg., National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India)

Teaching experience

Courses Taught

Tutorials and special lectures

Peer-review experience

Journal of Fluid Mechanics, JFM Rapids, AIAA Journal, Physics of Fluids, Aerospace Science & Technology, Nonlinear Dynamics, Sadhana

Grants and awards

1.  SERB Start-up Research Grant, 2023 "Bubble and conical forms of vortex breakdown in turbulent swirling jets”  (30 lakhs INR)

2. Initiation grant, IIT Kanpur, 2023: “Effect of nozzle geometry on vortex breakdown forms”  (25 lakhs INR).

3. UKTC Grand challenge, 2021 (co-investigator): “The role of shock waves in transonic buffet”,  research proposal for computational resources on UK National supercomputing service ARCHER2 (awarded: 24 million core-hours; notional costs: £38,400)

4. EPSRC HPC Top-up grant, 2021 (co-investigator): Research proposal for additional computational resources on ARCHER2 for grant EP/R037167/1 "Extending the buffet envelope: step change in data quantity and quality of analysis" (awarded: 25 million core-hours; notional costs: £39,936) 

5. UKTC 6th call, 2020 (co-investigator): "Examining the impact of shock control bumps on transonic buffet using Large Eddy Simulation", research proposal for computational resources on ARCHER (awarded: 1.6 million core-hours; notional costs: £13,315)

6. Best presentation prize: Journal of Fluid Mechanics Symposium: from fundamentals to applied fluid mechanics, India, (Selected student talks), 2017